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Receive His Word & His Spirit (Sivan) (#036) alignment video podcast

This is the time to rest in God’s provision— He gives His Word and His...

Driver “Lyfts” to build schools in Liberia | God wants to use you right where you are | Ebenezer Norman’s story (#034) assignment friends

Ebenezer Norman, from Liberia, is a Lyft driver who takes people to and from different locations...

Transforming Together | The Transformation Community (#033) alignment assignment

In Genesis 1 we see that God is relational. Over and over, we see the refrain, “Let...

Created for Connection | The Transformation Community (#032) alignment assignment friends

Every major change in your life, good or bad, was probably more influenced by a WHO than a WHAT,...

A Journey of Covenant (Iyar) (#035) alignment video podcast

Ezekiel 46:1-3 reminds us that every Sabbath and every New Moon bring an fresh opportunity for us...

A New Season of Perpetual Miracles (#031) alignment

During this season we set our hearts towards miracles, a feature of the Passover season.


The Passover + God’s Ultimate Provision (#030) alignment

This is the moment we celebrate the atonement, that is, our at-one-ment with God. This is...

The Greatest Among You… Serve (#029)

When I read the scriptures, specifically the epistles, I notice that many of them begin with...

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