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Led By The Spirit (The Word) | Broadcast Replay

Dec 05, 2023

The most valuable thing we have on earth is the Holy Spirit, and Romans 8:14 reveals that when we live a life led by Him, we are demonstrating true sonship in the Kingdom.   

Another powerful expression of Holy Spirit moving in the life of a believer is the experiential instruction and manifestation of The Word of God.

The Word of God is alive and so powerful to transform us, as we allow Holy Spirit to work in our lives and to bring forth His:






In this podcast, Kent and Beverly discuss how Beverly’s life and family were radically impacted and reconciled through the power of the Word of God and their obedience to respond to His message.

This episode is sure to give you great hope and to reignite your love of the Word of God!


Links referenced in this talk—

🔥 The free 8-day “Led By The Spirit Bible Study”, with slides =

💙 The free “Led By The Spirit” Book =

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❤️ Connect with what’s happening in Alabama =

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💥 The free transformation discipleship course = 

🙏🏼 The “Freedom From Unforgiveness (I Could Not Call Him Father)” book =

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